Wody Polskie donates over PLN 22 million for water quality testing

15 lipca 2019 r.

Thanks to over PLN 22 million in funding from Wody Polskie, provincial inspectorates for environmental protection and the Central Research Laboratory of the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection will receive modern equipment for testing water quality. On July 4, 2019 in Warsaw, the President of Wody Polskie, Przemysław Daca, and Paweł Ciećko, the Chief Inspector for Environmental Protection, signed an agreement in this matter.

The agreement sets out the conditions for the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection carrying out tasks related to conducting water control and monitoring in the scope of implementing Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources. The document also sets the rules for granting GIOŚ co-financing by PGW Wody Polskie. The expected total cost of the tasks indicated in the contract is PLN 22 million 818 thousand.
An important effect of co-financing will consist in retrofitting provincial inspectorates for environmental protection and the Central Research Laboratory of the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection with dozens of specialized off-road vehicles and boats, three sets of unmanned aerial vehicles (so-called drones), and computer equipment for data analysis. In addition, the IT control system will be updated, and environmental inspectors are going to undergo 10 training sessions concerning the application of the so-called Nitrates Directive. A number of laboratory analyzes will also be performed.
"We will buy very modern equipment to find criminals who directly harm waters. These are modern cars, unmanned aerial vehicles, computers for processing data that we also transfer to Wody Polskie" said Paweł Ciećko, Chief Inspector for Environmental Protection. He added that thanks to these tools Poland will fulfill the obligations arising from EU's so-called Nitrates Directive.
"Wody Polskie must also take care of water in terms of quality. I am very pleased with this cooperation and we are happy to donate these funds for water quality testing" said Przemysław Daca, President of Wody Polskie.
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