"Projekt woda" is a cyclical Polish Television show, broadcast by the TVP3 Szczecin channel station, devoted to various aspects of water management. Each episode introduces viewers to topics related to the activities carried out by the Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie, addresses current problems of hydropower, water construction, inland navigation, as well as charges for water and sewage.
During the show's episodes viewers will have the opportunity to learn about the most beautiful navigable routes in Poland and track the progress of the currently implemented largest hydrotechnical investment in our country, the Racibórz Dolny reservoir. An important topic discussed in the "Projekt Woda” show consists also in flood prevention investments of Wody Polskie or issues related to the retention development program - an important answer to the problem of floods and droughts. It is worth mentioning that Poland is a country that is not rich in water - on average there is three times less water per capita in our country than in case of Europeans.
The "Projekt woda" show is broadcast cyclically, on Sunday mornings, on TVP3 Szczecin. It can also be found
online where it is possible to see all episodes broadcast so far. The "Projekt woda" show is co-financed from the funds of the Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie.
Graphics: "Projekt woda", TVP3 Szczecin, Telewizja Polska S.A.