22 March 2018 The Global Water Day

20 marca 2018 r.

Every year, on 22 March, the whole world celebrates the Global Water Day established by the UN General Assembly resolution of 22 December 1992. This year’s theme is “Nature for Water.”

The statistics are alarming. As the latest WHO and UNICEF report puts it, today, 2.1 billion people (1 out of 3) fail to have access to drinking water in their place of residence.
The National Water Management Holding Polish Waters would like to use this opportunity and invite everyone to the following events:
  • RWMA Białystok, Open Day at Siemianówka Hydrotechnical Plant, 22.03.2018
A trip around Small Hydropower Plant will offer an opportunity to see water discharge, hear a presentation on the importance of waters, watch see emergency shutdown of the plant and participate in various contests offering prizes.   
  • RWMA Kraków, Water Days in Dobczyce, 14.04.2018
The Mayor of Dobczyce Town and Municipality, MPWiK in Kraków, Water Management and Engineering Institute of Kraków University of Technology and RWMA Kraków invite everyone to the Water Days in Dobczyce. Primary school pupils will be invited to participate in the workshops “Role of Water in Nature and Human Life and How to Save Water at Home.” Teenagers and adults can take a tour around Dobczyce Water Reservoir and the power plant. Detailed info concerning the reservoir and power plant will be presented by an employee of RWMA Kraków.
  • RWMA Poznań, Poznań University of Life Sciences and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, 22.03.2018
Everyone is invited to the presentation of Michał Misiewicz at the University of Life Sciences who will tell us about changes in the New Water Law and Michał Wierzbicki’s lecture on “Managing Water in Hydrotechnical Plants in Variable Hydrological Conditions (based on Jeziorsko Reservoir and Ślesiński Canal) hosted by Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
Because Polish Waters took the contest Water=Life under their auspices, the Director of the Board of Sieradz Catchment will take part in the jury session.
  • RWMA Warszawa, a visit to Żerań Lock in Warsaw, 22.03.2018
This year, we will be joined by the pupils from Friends of Earth Primary School in Warsaw. Young people will have the chance to see places that are unavailable to public on everyday basis, including machine room and tower with control room. Their tour guide will be the head of Żerań Lock in Warsaw. Visitors will receive a labyrinth “A vessel goes to Żerań Lock” prepared for the occasion and the winner will receive a mascot. The school will be provided with educational games “Young Hydrologist.”
  • RWMA Wrocław, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. 22.03.2018
Wrocław celebration of the Global Water Day organized by the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław will be held under the auspices of Polish Waters. As part of the event, the employees of the Flood Protection Operational Centre and other departments will share information about the scope of responsibilities of Polish Waters.
We invite everyone to take part in the events!
Wherever you are and whatever you do, please think about water on March, 22!
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