The Oder River basin connects Czech Republic, Poland and Germany, whose governments coordinate the water policies in this district. The ongoing public consultations on the 2nd update of the Water Management Plan for the International Oder River Basin District is a culmination of months-long work and working meetings attended by representatives of Polish Waters.
The aim of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) is to preserve and improve the aquatic habitat, as well as achieve good water status. To implement it in the Oder basin, it is necessary to draw up a coordinated water management plan for the whole basin.
The cooperation of the governments of the Republic of Poland, the Czech Republic, and the Federal Republic of Germany that are parties to the Agreement on the International Commission on the Protection of the Oder against Pollution (ICPO) resulted in the completion of the first (March 2010) and second (March 2015) Water Management Plans for the International Oder River Basin District (IORBD). The WFD provides for the review and update of plans every six years in order to bring plans and action programmes in line with the current status of waters and established environmental goals.
The completion of works on the 2nd update of the Water Management Plan for the IORBD has opened the way for six-month public consultations on the document to be held from 22 March to 22 September 2021. Comments may be sent to the email address of the Secretariat of the ICPO: or by post to the following address: ICPO Secretariat, 1 M. Skłodowska-Curie Str., 50-381 Warsaw. Read more:
Polish Waters employees actively participate in the activities and meetings of three working groups of the Commission, which, among others, coordinate the planned activities and appointment of water management bodies, as well as compare monitoring results and water status assessment.
The Oder river basin and the Vistula river basin constitute a core of the activities of the Water Management Plan of Polish Waters both at the planning and investment stages, and the Holding mainly focuses on maintaining good condition of its waters and ensuring flood and drought safety. The planning of the international water management strategy for the Oder basin is a role model of cooperation for the sake of waters protection.
A bird’s eye view of Frankfurt and Slubice overlooking the Oder border. Fig. Pixabay