On January 9, on-merits workshops took place in Warsaw, and their aim was to present the work carried out at this stage as part of the development of the National Surface Water Renaturation Program (KPRWP), in particular the analyzes and conclusions from the prioritization of areas for river, lake, coastal and transitional water renaturation presentation of the results of pilot studies. The agenda of the workshop consisted of three sessions during which the Multiconsult Polska team, a contractor performing the task for PGW WP, presented a wide range of analyzes and results of the work carried out.
Representatives of ministries, organizational units of PGW Polish Waters, national parks, landscape parks, design companies, forest districts, associations and foundations, regional directorates of environmental protection, research institutes and state universities were invited to participate in the meeting. Due to a great interest in the event, the organiser ensured that there was an option to participate in the workshops online.
One of the items within the workshop's agenda was a discussion among a wide range of stakeholders about the role of KPRWP and directions for further actions. It oscillated among others around issues related to the instruments necessary for the implementation of the KPRWP and renaturization measures, and the role of cooperation of various stakeholders in the implementation of these activities.
Particular attention of workshop was paid by the participants to the need to take into account the links between currently developed programs on the issue of drought and retention, as well as to involve KPRWP in planned programs, including the update of water management plans and flood risk management plans. In addition, the core of educational activities, the need to promote knowledge and to conduct training for employees of PGW WP, especially in the field of the Catalogue of Good Practices and the emerging KPRWP, was emphasized. Workshop participants also pointed to the need to spread the knowledge about renaturization among various groups. The participants also noted growing public awareness of the need to improve the quality of ecosystems, which can provide significant support for the renaturalization of rivers on a local scale throughout the country.
An electronic survey was prepared for the participants of the meeting, which could be completed on the day of the workshop. It was of educational nature and was a preliminary tool for submitting comments on rivers and areas that participants would like to subject to renaturization. The survey was completed by 33 participants and the results were presented at the end of the workshop.
The results of the discussion and the summary of the workshop can be downloaded