Public consultations concerning the methodology of estimating environmental flows in Poland have started
23 kwietnia 2018 r.
As part of the "Opracowania II aktualizacji PWŚK i aPGW na obszarach dorzeczy wraz z dokumentami planistycznymi stanowiącymi podstawę ich opracowania" (Development of the II PWŚK and aPGW update concerning river basin districts including planning documents constituting the basis for their development), works are underway in terms of the final method for determining environmental flows that are to become an important element of water management in Poland from 2021. The planned date of completing the titled "Wdrożenie metody szacowania przepływów środowiskowych w Polsce" (Implementation of a method for estimating environmental flows in Poland) is November 2018.
In order to consult methodological assumptions with interested parties, regional consultation meetings are organized - to which we warmly invite you. Participation in the consultations is free. Due to the limited number of seats, please fill out the application form and send it to Magdalena Stępień (przepł, phone 12 639 17 46).