Pursuant to Art. 15 item 3 of the Water Framework Directive and 328 of the applicable Water Law Act, Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie started surveying units responsible for the implementation of activities indicated in the update of the country's water and environmental program as well as water management plans.
The survey is conducted as part of the task entitled: "Ocena postępu we wdrażaniu programów działań wraz ze sporządzeniem raportu dla KE" (Assessment of progress in the implementation of action programs, including the preparation of a report for the EC) (under the project no. POIS.02.01.00-00-0016/16) and will last until August 24, 2018. Its main goal is to obtain the most current and reliable information to complete a report for the EC on the progress of implementing activities that contribute to improving or maintaining the proper water level. The units mainly include municipalities, starostys, regional water management boards, voivodship inspectorates for environmental protection, and ministries.