Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie - National Water Management Board, invites to a nationwide conference dedicated to the discussion on methodologies for determining heavily modified and artificial surface water bodies in the context of their verification and updating.
On September 11, 2018 in Warsaw at ul. Chłodna 51 (Golden Floor Tower), a conference will be organized by the Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie devoted to discussions concerning methodologies for determining heavily modified and artificial surface water bodies in the context of their verification and updating.
To familiarize participants with the subject of the conference, we invite you to read the materials prepared for this event. Attached you will find the updated conference agenda and presentations that will be presented by speakers during the conference.
In addition, we inform you about the possibility of submitting comments and remarks concerning substantive issues included within the thematic scope of the conference and outlined in the attached presentations. They can be submitted directly at the conference or via e-mail (with the attached form), both before and after the conference, but no later than by September 21 this year.
The conference is held as part of information activities concerning the project entitled "PRZEGLĄD I WERYFIKACJA METODYK WYZNACZANIA SILNIE ZMIENIONYCH I SZTUCZNYCH CZĘŚCI WÓD POWIERZCHNIOWYCH WRAZ ZE WSTĘPNYM I OSTATECZNYM WYZNACZENIEM" (REVIEW AND VERIFICATION OF METHODS FOR DETERMINING HIGHLY MODIFIED AND ARTIFICIAL SURFACE WATER BODIES INCLUDING PRELIMINARY AND DEFINITIVE DETERMINATION), which constitutes a part of the works aimed at developing the II update of water management plans in river basins for the years 2021 - 2027.
Meeting agenda Presentation No. 1 Presentation No. 2 Presentation No. 3 Presentation No. 4 Comment form