Water resources as the theme of a panel at COP24

21 grudnia 2018 r.

The 24th United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change took place in Katowice. Circa 20,000 people from 190 countries participated in the event, including politicians, representatives of non-governmental organizations, scientific circles, and the business sphere.

Ministers and heads of water resources agencies from various countries took part in the discussion panel entitled "Zarządzanie zasobami wodnymi w kontekście zmian klimatu" (Water resources management in the context of climate change). Wody Polskie was represented by Joanna Kopczyńska, Deputy President of the Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie for Water Environment Management.
The characteristics of water resources in Poland as well as the country's key issues and challenges concerning water management were presented by Małgorzata Bogucka-Szymalska, representing the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation. The Deputy President of the Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie for Water Environment Management Joanna Kopczyńska, as well as representatives of the Regional Water Management Board of Wody Polskie in Gliwice also participated in the panel.
The motto of the COP24 water panel was: "Woda prawem każdego człowieka i dziedzictwem przyszłych pokoleń" (Water is the right of every human being and the heritage of future generations). Issues of the integrated water management system as one of the basic factors of adapting to climate change or mitigating climate change through water retention and rainwater management in cities have been discussed during the panel.
President Joanna Kopczyńska emphasized, above all, issues related to flood and drought protection. Issues related to fees for water use were also significant. However, it turned out that according to the panel's participants the most important issue was water quality and the social acceptability of methods and measures leading to the best possible water condition in the future - for future generations.
The material was prepared by: Zespół Komunikacji Społecznej i Edukacji Ekologicznej RZGW in Gliwice
photo: Shutterstock/Bernadetta Sara​
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