Consultation meetings concerning the list of surface water bodies with an indication of heavily modified and artificial water bodies

11 kwietnia 2019 r.

Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie - National Water Management Board, invites you to consultative meetings devoted to discussing the draft list of heavily modified and artificial waters (SZCW and SCW). Consultation meetings will be held on May 9, 2019 in Wrocław at ul. Zaolziańska 1 (Q Hotel Plus) and May 15, 2019 in Warsaw at ul. Chłodna 51 (Golden Floor Tower).

The designation of SZCW and SCW is a procedure accompanying each update of water management plans. In accordance with Art. 4.3 of the Water Framework Directive, each member state has the right to designate SZCW and SCW, for which achieving a good ecological potential is required. This potential is characterized by lower environmental standards in relation to a good condition required for natural water bodies. Designation of water bodies as strongly modified or artificial may concern those for which there is no possibility of reversing (partially or completely) the existing hydromorphological changes in order to restore them to good condition, mainly due to the impact of such actions on the purposes of current transformations (shipping, water supply, flood protection, etc.).

On the one hand, the ongoing works take into account the hitherto national experience and that of the neighboring countries from previous planning cycles, and on the other, they introduce new methodological options based on a method of assessing the hydromorphological status of rivers approved by the Chief Inspector for Environmental Protection and based on the so-called HIR indicator (Hydromorphological Index of Rivers). In addition, the works are being carried out in adaptation to the most current Hydrographic Map of Poland at a scale of 1:10,000 and a new, updated in 2015-17, division into surface water bodies.
Consultation meetings take place as part of carrying out the "Przegląd i weryfikacja metodyk wyznaczania silnie zmienionych i sztucznych części wód wraz ze wstępnym i ostatecznym wyznaczeniem" (Review and verification of methods for determining heavily modified and artificial water bodies including preliminary and final determination) project, financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, and as part of works aimed at developing the second update of water management plans in river basin districts for 2021-2027.

Participation in the meetings is free, but requires prior registration (the number of seats is limited). Below you will find an invitation, a detailed program of both meetings, and application forms.
Invitation (PDF, 580 KB)
Wrocław meeting agenda (PDF, 516 KB)
Warsaw meeting agenda (PDF, 623 KB)
Application form Wrocław (doc, 529 KB)
Application form Warsaw (doc, 227 KB)
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