World Environment Day.

5 czerwca 2019 r.

On June 5, the World Environment Day is celebrated in over 100 countries, including Poland.

It was established in 1972 by the UN General Assembly during the so-called Stockholm Conference organized then under the slogan "Only one Earth". Its main goal was to draw the attention of world leaders to the problems of our species' existence, to provide humanity with conditions for survival in the context of increasing environmental pollution.

This year's edition of World Environment Day is carried out under the slogan: Take action for air pollution #BeatAirPollution
Celebrations, as always, aim to deepen public awareness concerning topics related to maintaining balance in nature, as well as protecting and improving the condition of the environment. Their main goal is to raise environmental awareness in society, as well as to stimulate the widest possible groups to active pro-ecological activities. We must be aware of the real significance of nature and our responsibility for its condition. Act globally but also locally. And with the environment in mind, manage water in an economical manner, plant a tree, and maybe sometimes go to work by bike instead of a car.

More on this can be found on the World Environment Day website
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