A conference was held concerning a list of protected areas intended for protecting the habitats and species dependent on waters

18 stycznia 2019 r.

On January 9 in Warsaw a conference was organized as part of the first stage of the "Ustalenie celów środowiskowych dla jednolitych części wód wraz z opracowaniem rejestru wykazów obszarów chronionych" (Setting environmental objectives for water bodies including the development of a register of lists concerning protected areas).

Paweł Pawlaczyk from the Klub Przyrodników presented the methodological assumptions for the development of a list of protected areas intended for the protection of habitats and species dependent on waters. He also presented a list of protected areas based on collected examples.
Circa 50 people attended the consultation meeting and discussion which ended in collecting comments. The meeting included representatives of the Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie, non-government organizations, national parks, the General Directorate for Environmental Protection, the State Geological Institute-National Research Institute, and the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection.

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